Things to Do in George Town: Ideas to Inspire Your Trip!

We’ve just spent over a week in the pretty city of George Town, on Penang Island in Malaysia. How can a city be pretty you ask? Well, take a UNESCO World Heritage old town, add in a good handful of ancestral temples, mansions and shophouses, plus a hefty dose of impressive street art, and you have George Town. And that’s before we’ve even mentioned the friendly people and the incredible food. Here’s our top tips for awesome things to do in George Town.

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Street Art in George Town: A City Back From the Brink

The street art in George Town, Malaysia, is one of the main draws of this pretty UNESCO World Heritage Site. Tourists love to wander the streets of the old town, taking pictures and posing next to the 3D pieces, or pointing out the charming old Chinese shophouses and intricate temples. A little like Ipoh or Melaka, it’s a great city to get lost in – it seems there is something interesting around each corner. But it hasn’t always been this way. Buckle up guys, it’s time for a (short) history lesson!

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Things To Do In North Thailand: 9 Awesome Destinations To Inspire You

We’ve all heard of Thailand’s beautiful islands – white sand beaches surrounded by crystal clear waters, all-night parties and incredible forests. We loved our time being beach bums on Koh Tao and celebrating my birthday on Koh Phangan. But more and more people are heading north of Bangkok’s bright lights and discovering a whole other side to Thailand. Here are 9 awesome things to do in North Thailand, just to get you started!

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